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Arts in Health

This project was conducted alongside Garth - Gwent Arts in Health & St Woolos Hospital. The artwork produced is displayed within the ground floor corridor of the hospital. Each artwork was a direct response to stories & feedback provided by NHS staff & service users, these were depicted in my artwork through the objects that appeared within these stories.

The NHS Collection, 2019

A compilation of memories, some new, some old. Every story has its ups and downs. Every object you encounter is stored in the archive of your mind, holding its own unique meanings and memories - Everyone has their own experience of the NHS, weather this be your own, a friends, or a family members. It can be one of celebration or one to bear witness to our hardest times - This collection of objects holds the memories of NHS staff as well as its service users, including my own. Exploring the importance and individuality of every object we encounter, no matter how obscure.

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